Rembolt Ludtke, Law Office Design

Rembolt Ludtke, Law Office Design

Clark & Enersen designed a new office for Rembolt Ludtke on the third floor of the 3 Landmark Centre, a state-of-the-art office complex that was also designed by our firm. Our team created an environment for the firm that represents its long-standing tradition and involvement in the community as well as its forward-looking culture that attracts young, aspiring attorneys.

For example, rectilinear wood forms illustrate the tradition, while curvilinear forms complement and contrast the wood for a more fluid, contemporary look. The result is a space that seamlessly blends the two styles together and represents the firm’s multi-generational, multi-discipline staff.

Other highlights include:

  • A dynamic lobby.
  • Numerous conference rooms and private reception areas for groups of all sizes.
  • More than two dozen private offices.
  • Open office areas for clerical and support functions.
  • Large, impressive formal board room.
  • Employee break areas.
Stats and Results
Location Lincoln, Nebraska
Square Feet 21,500

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