Our Vision

Since our founding in 1946, Clark & Enersen has been defined by partnership. We strive to empower and inspire our clients as well as the people who live, work, and play within the spaces and environments we help create. It is through partnership in thoughtful design that the best ideas rise to the top, resulting in timeless designs that meet the long-term goals of our clients.

Empower and inspire through partnership in thoughtful design.

Our Impact

Destigmatizing mental health care.

Utilizing a progressive approach to care, The CenterPointe: Campus for Health and WellBeing combines physical and mental healthcare, substance abuse treatment, and housing. Taking into consideration the complete life situation of a patient with an emphasis on trauma-informed care, spaces were strategically programmed to achieve the CenterPointe mission to destigmatize mental health care.

Union Plaza

Sustaining our natural resources.

Antelope Creek which runs through Union Plaza Park in Lincoln, Nebraska became one of only 90 creeks nationwide to be removed from the Impaired Waters list for E.coli by the EPA. The delisting followed the implementation of a comprehensive plan that was developed through 20 years of collaborative efforts with multiple partners and projects.

Connecting immigrants to quality services.

KCPL’s North-East Branch serves a highly-diverse community primarily comprised of refugees and immigrants with various lingual and cultural backgrounds. The new space is specifically for the library’s Refugee and Immigrant Services and Empowerment program: a community initiative that connects local immigrants with quality services and resources through outreach, education, and advocacy.

Searching for a cure.

Our firm helped create a critical production space for the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Nebraska Nanomedicine Production Plant, where researchers are making world-changing breakthroughs. The cutting-edge research and development are helping find a cure for HIV, a virus once thought to be incurable.

Providing access to veterinary care.

Vida is located near the predominantly Latino Elyria-Swansea neighborhood, whose rich history and culture was carefully considered during design. Our team focused on ensuring that lower-income neighborhoods have improved access to veterinary care by actively aiding in communication and outreach to surrounding neighborhoods to gather input for facility needs and accessibility.

Establishing integrated care.

The Health 360 Integrated Care Clinic adaptive re-use project created a fully-integrated, one-stop location for healthcare services for the city’s low-income and most vulnerable citizens. By offering mental health, substance abuse, dental, primary healthcare, and on-site pharmacy, Health 360 is able to provide holistic care to those who would otherwise go untreated.

Furnishing tools for change.

With $60 in supplies and a 9-year-old boy in need of a working hand, a Kansas teen used the 3D printer in Johnson County Central Resource Library’s makerspace to create the parts needed for a prosthetic hand that fit the boy.


Preventing the spread of disease.

Following the 2015 outbreak of the bird flu, we worked with the State of South Dakota to expand their research veterinary diagnostic laboratories. By equipping them to process tens of thousands of biological samples each year, the South Dakota Animal Disease and Research Diagnostic Laboratory could work toward eradicating the disease through evaluating the health of the region’s veterinary agriculture populations and searching for the first signs of disease.

We help clients achieve their goals through spaces that better their respective communities.

Our Team

Clark & Enersen is a team of professionals all dedicated to our firm’s vision to empower and inspire through partnership in thoughtful design. As a leading multidisciplinary firm, we value diversity of thought and talent — from our architects, interior designers, and landscape architects to our mechanical, electrical, structural, and civil engineers. We forge strong relationships with our clients and work closely with them to complete their vision.

“University of Nebraska Medical Center Chancellor Jeffrey Gold asked the design team to act as ‘modern day Gallileos’ and chart a new course for education through design and architecture. In part, due to Clark & Enersen’s design leadership and integrated design approach, this facility [Davis Global Center] undoubtedly rises to meet that challenge.”

– Craig Ellis, Facilities Management & Planning Project Manager
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Our Process

Our work begins with why.

We begin with understanding the vision — however lofty or practical — of what each project will be. Every space, every building, and every landscape carries the opportunity to create change or improve a condition. We will work with you to create measures of success and allow those to shape the outcome of the project.

Design is multifaceted.

We believe that design problems should be viewed through four lenses: function, performance, aesthetic, and experience. Our integrated team of architects, engineers, interior designers, and landscape architects brings a multitude of perspectives and deep expertise to each design solution. This allows us to seamlessly consider every facet of a design opportunity, shaping the work into projects that are meaningful and truly transformative.

Complexity is our greatest opportunity.

Innovation happens when complex design problems require out-of-the-box thinking. We embrace challenges and constraints, leveraging them toward unique and creative solutions that often become the hallmark of a project. By finding new ways of thinking about form, flow, systems, and envelope, we strive to elevate the built environment alongside our clients.

Our process is transparent.

Several of our primary keys to success are the goals, ideas, experience, and partnership of our clients. Each project brings both challenges and tremendous possibilities. We are committed to an open, collaborative design process with our clients that results in well-informed and highly creative design solutions. We incorporate the use of VR, live design, and creative communication tools to make each design process fun and impactful.

We are learners.

The strength of our expertise lies in a deep-seated intellectual curiosity. We strive to learn — from our clients, each other, and staying ahead of industry trends. In turn, we share that desire for knowledge through conference presentations, white papers, and innovative design solutions. We are on the forefront of thought in our areas of expertise, continually evolving our process toward design excellence.

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