Emanuel Cleaver II, Senior Living

Emanuel Cleaver II, Senior Living

Clark & Enersen designed the Emanuel Cleaver II Senior Living Community, which sits on nine acres of land and features 52 townhouses and a clubhouse built to LEED sustainability standards. It consists of 18 wood-framed buildings with a combination of one- and two-bedroom units.

The project was initiated to achieve the St. James United Methodist Church’s goal of filling a need for quality and affordable senior living in the area to support an aging population. This facility is located on the 40 Acres and a Mule Activity Campus, which is operated by the church and was underutilized at the time of this project.

Emanuel Cleaver II shares its name with the current representative of Missouri’s 5th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. Cleaver also formerly served as the mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, and was the pastor of St. James United Methodist Church for more than three decades.

Stats and Results
Location Kansas City, Missouri

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